Welcome to Cherry Class and the exciting start to your time at Booth Wood Primary School. We are looking forward to getting to know you all!
The Reception Team 2024 - 2025
Class Teacher
Miss J. Harlow
Learning Support Assistants
Mrs. L Perkins Mrs. E Hickling Miss. N Sutton
Monday - Wednesday Monday - Friday Monday - Thursday
Things to remember
Arrival time is 8:40am - 8:45am through the side gate. Home time is 3:10pm through the side gate.
Please ensure that your child brings their book bag every day with their reading books inside. We aim to read with everyone in class each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We also change reading books every Tuesday and library books every Friday.
Please ensure that all of your child’s clothing is clearly labelled with their name so that we can try our best to return any items if lost.
It is essential that children bring a set of named, spare clothes to keep on their peg - learning sometimes gets a little messy in reception! This does not need to be school uniform - joggers and a T-shirt is fine. In case of toileting accidents, please also provide spare pants and socks.
If the weather forecast is warm, please provide a sun hat and apply sun cream at home before coming to school. During the colder months, please provide a suitable coat, hat and gloves for your child.
Your child does not require a water bottle or snack. Each day, we will provide milk and water at our self service drinks bar. We will also sit together as a class and enjoy a piece of fruit.
On arrival, children will hang up their coat on their peg and self register by finding their name label and putting it in the box.
The children will then find a self chosen activity in the classroom. During the early days we will support the children with this, before encouraging independence as they become more settled and more familiar with the routines.
At the end of the school day we will let the children out as we see parents/carers. If your child is being collected by someone else please let us know in advance.
Forest School Information
Friday mornings is Forest School. Your child will need to come to school in suitable outdoor clothing such as jogging bottoms and a long sleeved top every Friday. We have wellies for everyone at school but you may send your child with their own to change into if you wish. As the weather turns colder and wetter, all children will be provided with full waterproofs to keep them clean and dry. Please remember joggers or leggings are still required in the Summer months, even when the sun is shining, to cover bare legs amongst the growing plants and trees.
PE Information
PE with Mr. Wolfe will begin in the spring term. Our PE lessons will begin in the hall. During the Summer term, PE lessons will be on the playground and the school field. Your child will need to come to school on PE day in their PE kit, including trainers. Please ensure your child does not come to school wearing jewellery on PE day and long hair is tied back.
PE day will be confirmed at the end of the Autumn term.
If you have any questions or concerns or wish to discuss anything please do let us know - we are always happy to help!
Reception Class Team