The Maths Curriculum at Booth Wood Primary School
At Booth Wood Primary School, we intend for all pupils to experience an inspiring, number-rich and motivational maths environment. We aim for all pupils to have access to a maths curriculum which meets the needs of all learners and equips them with the mathematical skills necessary for them to succeed on whichever path they follow. We want all pupils or develop a positive ‘can do’ attitude to maths and support all children to become mathematicians.
Our youngest children will begin their early mathematical development supported by excellent early mathematical teaching which supports the development of early number sense, giving them the foundational skills needed to confidently reason and solve mathematical problems.
Our intent is for every child to leave our care as able and independent mathematicians, with the confidence and skills required to calculate fluently, reason confidently and solve problems efficiently. They will be thoroughly prepared in all aspects of mathematics and fully equipped for the next step in their educational journey.
Our maths curriculum at Booth Wood Primary School is delivered with the support of the Power Maths scheme. This scheme supports teachers to deliver well-structured and exciting mathematical opportunities that enable our children to learn, revisit and progressively develop their skills in maths at an age-appropriate level.
Teachers and other adults working in EYFS are fully trained in supporting early mathematical development and helping our youngest learners to acquire early number sense. This is achieved through practical and engaging activities, which children can access, alongside adults or independently with peers, to practise their maths skills.
In key stages one and two, maths lessons are planned to follow the small-step mastery approach to acquiring maths skills as set out in the Power Maths scheme. This scheme supports teachers to plan and deliver lessons which teach pupils essential skills, gives them time to develop their fluency and apply their knowledge to practise mathematical reasoning and solve problems. Teachers promote and encourage pupils to work collaboratively, as well as independently, and provide excellent modelling of all mathematical processes and concepts as part of everyday teaching. Same day interventions are utilised during and following every maths lesson, alongside an effective intervention programme to fill gaps in children’s learning following their termly maths assessment.
Teaching and Learning
Our teaching for mastery curriculum is underpinned by the NCETM’s 5 Big Ideas.
Opportunities for Mathematical Thinking allow children to make chains of reasoning connected with the other areas of their mathematics. A focus on Representation and Structure ensures concepts are explored using concrete, pictorial and abstract representations, the children actively look for patterns as well as specialise and generalise whilst problem solving. Coherence is achieved through the planning of small, connected steps to link every question and lesson within a topic. Teachers use both procedural and conceptual Variation within their lessons and there remains an emphasis on Fluency with a relentless focus on number and times table facts.
At Booth Wood Primary School, all pupils make excellent progress in maths. This starts with a firm foundation in EYFS, with 70% of pupils reaching GLD in maths in 2019.
Our end of KS1 assessments for 2019 show that the percentage of pupils achieving expected outcomes in mathematics is 77%, with 19% working at greater depth. This excellent outcome means that pupils have a firm foundation on which to build further mathematical knowledge in KS2.
The vast majority of our older pupils are equipped with the maths skills they need to succeed at secondary school when they leave us. This is reflected in our end of KS2 assessments for 2022, with 90% of pupils meeting expected outcomes in maths and an outstanding 57% working at greater depth! Our progress scores, which have an average progress point score of 2.67 in maths, are also a reflection of the excellent teaching and comprehensive curriculum received by pupils in KS2.
Through evaluation of work in children’s books at Booth Wood Primary School, it is clear to see the high quality of mathematics throughout the school. Children are able to confidently talk about their work in maths lessons and can apply age-appropriate skills and knowledge in their work. They are willing to take risks and learn from their mistakes, showing both perseverance and resilience in mathematical learning.
Monitoring and Evaluation The subject leader is responsible for monitoring the quality of education in maths. This is achieved through lesson observations, pupil discussions, book scrutiny and CPD. Data is analysed at the end of each academic term and a subject report is written at the end of the academic year. All these things inform the next year’s action planning.
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