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Summer 1

I look forward to another half term with year 3 and know we will continue to have lots of fun learning together. This half term we will be looking at the following topics:


In this unit, the children explore the Big Question: How far would I go to look cool? They read the interactive eBook, retrieving and collating information about different styles and explore unusual fashions from contemporary and historical times. They learn to skim and scan for information, identifying vocabulary that is specific to the topic and using dictionaries to clarify the meanings of words. They answer the Big Question, planning and writing a newspaper report in the role of a fashion editor.

After, we will read 'Ottoline and the Yellow Cat'.


We will be continuing to follow the 'Power Maths' scheme and this half term we will be learning: capacity, fractions, money and time

PE days and PE kit Their half term we will be doing Tennis and Cricket. We have 2 sessions of PE each week with Mr Wolfe, on a Monday and a Wednesday. Children will continue to come to school in their PE kit on PE days, please make sure the PE kit is: a white or navy polo top or t-shirt, black or navy jogging bottoms/shorts, a Booth Wood fleece or navy blue hoody/jumper and trainers. No branded sports kit should be worn.


In this Plants unit, children will learn the names of different parts of plants, and the jobs they do. They will work scientifically and collaboratively to investigate what plants need to grow well, and will present their findings to their classmates. Furthermore, they will have chance to predict what will happen in an exciting investigation into the transportation of water within plants. They will work in a hands-on way to identify the parts of a flower, and will explore the different stages of the life cycle of a flowering plant.


This unit on land use provides children with the chance to take a careful look at the places around them, and begin to look for patterns in land use. They will become cartographers, making maps of the local area, and agricultural surveyors by considering where different types of farming activities occur within the UK.

Art and DT

In the unit children will learn how to use pencil, colour, mosaic design, puppet making and sculpture to create quality artwork that shows progression in their skills. The children will also have the opportunity to explore the work of a range of ‘Insect’ artists, in particular, Louise Bourgeois and Jennifer Angus.


Technology, Structure and Form

In this unit children will learn the song: Oil in my lamp. The song will be analysed for its clear use of sections. Children will create their own class set of lyrics for the song as well as creating their own body percussion rhythms that will be performed in the intro and ending of the song. Final performances will take place and self assessments made where children can critique their work and discuss what went well and what could be improved.



In this unit children will look at family roles and responsibilities, friendship, keeping themselves safe online and being a global citizen.

Homework and spellings Homework is given our weekly in KS2 and helps to keep you informed of your child's progress and the current topics in the classroom and also helps revise what we have learnt in school. Spellings will be set weekly and your child will receive a paper copy as well as the spellings being available on Twinkl Spelling and the website. Homework and new spellings will be set every Friday and will be expected to be completed by the following Friday. Children have logins to TT rockstars and Twinkl spelling (on the front of their reading diaries) and should be encouraged to do this at home where possible. Children should now be able to recall 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables facts quickly and off by heart. Please keep practising if they are not there yet. Please continue to encourage your child to read at home regularly, some children may now happily read on their own , which is brilliant. But reading out loud to an adult a few times a week is still great practise.

Things your child needs

  • A bottle of water (no juice please in case of sticky spillages).

  • A healthy snack for break.

  • Fridays are 'treat' days, so your child can bring a treat for their snack. Alternatively, your child can bring money for our school tuck shop, which will allow them to buy a sausage roll/drink (50p each).

  • Book bag/rucksack with reading book and reading record.

  • Wear PE Kit to school on PE days (Monday and Thursday).

Contacting the Staff The year 3 team is always here for your child and you. If you just need a quick word then you may be able to catch one of us in the morning or after school. However, if it is something that requires a longer conversation then please email or phone the office to book an appt. The Year 3 Team

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