Equality of Opportunity
On 1 October 2010, new equality legislation came into force. The Equality Act 2010 has replaced all existing equality legislation, including the Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Sex Discrimination Act. They have been replaced by a public Sector Equality duty (PSED) which came into force on 6 April 2011.
At Booth Wood Primary School, we are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, sexual orientation, age or socio-economic background. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and able to participate fully in school life.
We tackle discrimination through the positive promotion of equality, by challenging bullying and stereotypes and by creating an environment which champions respect for all.
We will not discriminate on any of the grounds listed below (known as the Protected Characteristics) save where such discrimination is permitted by law. Examples of permitted discrimination are:
The school may arrange pupils in classes based on age.
The school may take positive action to deal with particular disadvantages affecting pupils of one group if this is a proportionate means of dealing with the issue.
The Protected Characteristics that apply to schools are:
Age (in relation to staff only);
Gender re-assignment;
Marriage and civil partnership (in relation to staff only);
Pregnancy and Maternity;
Religion Faith or Belief;
Sex; and
Sexual orientation.
At Booth Wood, we believe that diversity is a strength which should be respected and celebrated by all those who learn, teach and visit us.
Equality in Teaching and Learning
We provide all our pupils with the opportunity to succeed and to reach the highest level of personal achievement.
We do this by:
Ensuring equality of access for all pupils and preparing them for life in a diverse society;
Using materials that reflect the diversity of the school, population and local community without stereotyping;
Promoting attitudes and values that challenge any discriminatory behaviour or prejudice;
Providing opportunities for pupils to appreciate their own culture and celebrate the diversity of other cultures;
Seeking to involve all parents in supporting their child’s education;
Utilising teaching approaches appropriate for the whole school population which are inclusive and reflective of our pupils.
Equality in Admissions and Exclusions
Our admissions arrangements are through the Local Authority and are fair and transparent. They do not discriminate on any grounds.
Equal Opportunities for Staff
All staff appointments and promotions are made on the basis of merit and ability in compliance with the law. We are keen to ensure that the staffing of the school reflects the diversity of our community.
The school has a full and separate Equality Policy. Please consult this for further details if you wish.