Science Week 2023
Science coordinator: Ruth Beech
'Impossible' is not a scientific word -
Vanna Bonta
“Every brilliant experiment, like every great work of art, starts with an act of imagination.” – Jonah Lehrer
Science has changed our lives and it is vital to the world's future prosperity. At Booth Wood we provide high quality Science education which ensures the foundations for understanding the world through the specific scientific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
All pupils are taught essential aspects of Science; knowledge, methods, processes and use of science. We encourage pupils to recognise the power of explanation and to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. Pupils are also encouraged to understand how science can be used to predict how things will behave and to analyse causes.
It is our intention in science at Booth Wood to develop in all young people a lifelong curiosity and interest in the sciences. When planning for thescience curriculum, we intend for children to have the opportunity, wherever possible, to learn through varied systematic investigations, leading tothem being equipped for life to ask and answer scientific questions about the world around them. As children progress through the year groups, they build on their skills in working scientifically, as well as on their scientific knowledge, as they develop greater independence in planning and carryingout fair and comparative tests to answer a range of scientific questions. Each science unit has an accompanying knowledge mat which can be used to help reinforce the key knowledge for each unit as set out in the science national curriculum. The knowledge mats help children to consolidate and retain the science knowledge they have learnt and also reinforce key scientific vocabulary from each unit. The twinkl scheme of work ensures that children have a varied, progressive and well-mapped-out science curriculum that provides the opportunity for progression across the full breadth of the science national curriculum for KS1 and KS2.
Our year 6 science ambassador is Xavier
‘I like science because I think it is fun and interesting. I find fossils fascinating and experiments are fun. There is something for everyone as well. There is Chemistry (chemicals), physics (how the world works) and biology (the study of living things).’
Booth Wood Science Ambassador
Useful Links:
Useful Applications:
Play and Learn Science